With the concept message "Wining by unity"


About National Human Resource Forum

The National Human Resources Forum has been held annually since 2015, where professional speakers share their experiences in order to share knowledge and experiences in the direction of human resources development in our country.

The National Human Resources Forum, which is scheduled to be held for the seventh time this year, will continue to be first with its theme, format, and innovations. The forum is planned to be held on April 26, 2024, with the participation of 700 professionals and 15+ speakers, covering one whole day. The motto "Win together" will be the main topic of discussion on the panels of this year's VII National Human Resources Forum.

The first panel will be "Fighting for the ball", panel II will be "Centre Line", and panel III will be "Offside".

Moderator and Speakers of the event

Opening speech



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Panel Time Moderator / Speakers
Registration / Networking 09:00 - 09:45

Panel Time Moderator / Speakers
Opening speech: Mustafa Abbasbeyli State Employment Agency Chairman of the Board

Panel Time Moderator / Speakers
Opening speech: Jabir Suleymanli MIRF | Project Manager

Panel Time Moderator / Speakers
Fighting for the ball
10:30 - 12:30
Moderator: Jabir Suleymanli
Speaker: Gulzar Guliyeva
Speaker: Fargana Mammadova
Speaker: Zaur Zeynalov
Speaker: Aytekin Huseynova
Spiker: Doghushjan Oto
Speaker: Elmira Mammadova

Panel Time Moderator / Speakers
Center line
14:00 - 15:30
Moderator: Elshan Badirkhanov
Speaker: Elchin Azimli
Speaker: Khadija Berktash
Speaker: Vahida Rzayeva
Speaker: Coshgun Imanguluyev
Speaker: Neslihan Çakıt

Panel Time Moderator / Speakers
16:00 - 17:30
Moderator: Togrul Alakbarov
Speaker: Elvin Mahmudov
Spiker: Anar Bayramov
Speaker: Chinara Ahmadova
Speaker: Azad Omarov
Speaker: Hasan Altunkaya

Registrants Time Moderator
Registration / Networking 09:00 - 09:45

Registrants Time Moderator
Opening speech: Mustafa Abbasbeyli State Employment Agency Chairman of the Board

Registrants Time Moderator
Opening speech: Jabir Suleymanli MIRF | Project Manager

Registrants Time Moderator
Fighting for the ball
10:30 - 12:30
Moderator: Jabir Suleymanli
Speaker: Gulzar Guliyeva
Speaker: Fargana Mammadova
Speaker: Zaur Zeynalov
Speaker: Aytekin Huseynova
Spiker: Doghushjan Oto
Speaker: Elmira Mammadova

Registrants Time Moderator
Center line
14:00 - 15:30
Moderator: Elshan Badirkhanov
Speaker: Elchin Azimli
Speaker: Khadija Berktash
Speaker: Vahida Rzayeva
Speaker: Coshgun Imanguluyev
Speaker: Neslihan Çakıt

Registrants Time Moderator
16:00 - 17:30
Moderator: Togrul Alakbarov
Speaker: Elvin Mahmudov
Spiker: Anar Bayramov
Speaker: Chinara Ahmadova
Speaker: Azad Omarov
Speaker: Hasan Altunkaya

The venue of the event / Contact us

Sponsor contact
Contact for sale
Baku, Azerbaijan Istiglaliyet 1 street, AZ1001

Projects we have organized

Ticket prices with early registration (until March 15)

two coffee breaks
Date: 26.04.2024
Time 09:00 - 18:00
160 Azn
Follow the event via the link
Date: 26.04.2024
Time 09:00 - 18:00
Online ticket
50 Azn


VII National Human Resources Forum (MIRF2024) will be held in our country!

The National Human Resources Forum, where professional speakers share their experiences in order to share knowledge and experiences in the directio


The program of the National Human Resources Forum, which will be held under the slogan "Win from unity", has been announced!

The speakers of the National Human Resources Forum, which will take place on April 26, 2024 in Gülüstan Palace with more than 600 partici


The National Human Resources Forum was successfully concluded!

The National Human Resources Forum, held on April 26, 2024, with more than 600 participants, was successfully concluded at the "Gülü
